The Africa Summit – London 2023

The Africa Summit – London 2023

The 8th Africa Summit- London 2023

July 10,  2023 | House of Lord | London, United Kingdom

The 8th Africa Summit – London 2023

THEME: Realigning Africa’s Trade & Investment Partnerships

Event Brief
As the wave of rivalries and strategic shifts between major economies and their allies have become intense, Africa now have a better opportunity to rack up a more beneficial diplomatic and economic cooperation and partnerships. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the power struggle between the US, Europe, China and Russia particularly and increasingly, and at intensifying pace, involves the expansion of influence in economic and diplomatic ties with Africa. Experts and pundits have therefore opined that a realignment of Africa’s trade and investment partnership strategies is necessary to raise the geostrategic profile of the continent to advance the region’s broad-based economic interest, globally.

Organised by the African Leadership Magazine, the 8th Edition of The Africa Summit – London 2023 would feature a series of conversations on the future of African trade, as well as showcase Africa’s business and investment opportunities to the rest of the world. The summit will bring together Policymakers, private sector leaders, civil society leaders, thought leaders and all stakeholders in Europe, the US, and Africa to discuss issues that would prepare the private sector leaders for a more integrated and competitive African trade environment.
Highlights of the summit
  • Roundtable on African Political Leadership
  • Fireside chats with African CEOs
  • Private & Public Sector Leaders Roundtable
  • The 8th African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) 2023
  • African Good Governance Awards 2023
  • African Leadership Council (ALC) induction ceremony
  • Invest in Africa Forum- Breakout Sessions


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Forum On Free Trade Zones Administration

Forum On Free Trade Zones Administration

Forum On Free Trade Zones Administration

August 7 -12, 2023 | The Intercontinental Resort Balaclava Fort, Mauritius

Forum On Free Trade Zones Administration

THEME: The Future of Free Trade Zones Administration and Operation.

For economies seeking to foster their trade volumes, the strategic management of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) can significantly impact the economy’s overall trade performance and boost economic development. Acting as a one-stop service for timely and accurate collection of FTZ operation and security information, FTZ Management improves competitiveness by enhancing operational efficiency. Stakeholders stay abreast of market demands and competition with precise communication and improved transit operation data submission.
The Forum on Free Trade Zones Administration – Mauritius 2023 has a critical component that involves each participant’s reflection on personal and professional experiences and sharing these examples in class sessions. As such, the participants will have a better understanding of the approach to meeting the regulatory obligations of the day-to-day administration responsibilities, either being performed by internal or outsourced personnel—or a combination of both. The training content will teach participants industry best practices, share benchmarking knowledge and help create a first-class FTZ operation.
Why Should You Attend?
Today’s business environment is not easy and every day it is getting harder to find new customers while losing customers to competitors all around the world. Global thinking and looking for markets abroad need some qualifications to understand the trends and new competition. Free trade zones were developed especially in the second half of the 20th century and now have a very important role in international trade. To understand and compete globally, any company that does not want to lose even domestic market share and sales has to learn the effects of free trade zones
    Who Should Attend?
    As a result of this globalization, businesses have created a new concept to define the challenges and opportunities unique to the new highly globalized business environment.  It is with this in mind that only economic policies can assist enterprises in the country’s Free Trade Zones to achieve regular increases in production at lower costs that should be promoted.
    • Policymakers and Chief Executive Officers
    • Chief Operations Officers
    • Supply chain manager/ personnel
    • Trade/logistics/transportation director/manager
    • Warehouse managers/ management
    • Finance manager/cost accountant
    • Presidents of supply chain and trade
    • Vice presidents of the supply chain, trade and finance
    • Business owners
    • Marketing, business development
    • Purchasing, procurement, supply management and logistics
    • Import/export compliance personnel
    • Accounting department
    • Legal Department
      Course Objective
      The Forum on Free Trade Zone Administration will provide industry professionals with the know-how to be able to establish an efficient, compliant and cost-effective internal FTZ management program.  Key topics include:
      • A high-level overview of general import and export requirements as they relate to FTZ operations
      • Inventory Control & Recordkeeping System (“ICRS”)
      • Handling Merchandise in the FTZ & Additional Processes / Exceptions 
      • FTZ Receipts / Admission  
      • Zone-to-zone transfer bonded movements,  records & regulatory requirements
      • Periodic Reporting   
      • FTZ Internal Auditing, CBP Compliance Reviews & Compliant Recordkeeping
      • FTZ Considerations for 3PL Operators
      • In-Bond Regulations & Operational Considerations  
      • ICRS regulatory overview & requirements Hands-on Preparation for CBP FTZ Compliance Review / Spot Check



        The Intercontinental Resort Balaclava Fort, Mauritius


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        will be shared with registered participants.


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        Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum, London 2023

        Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum, London 2023

        Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum – London 2023

        July 24 – 31,  2023 | London, United Kingdom

        Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum 2023

        THEME: The Future of Public Sector Accounting & Financial Reporting

        Following the success of the inaugural edition, which was held at the Shangri La Hotel, Dubai – United Arab Emirates, from June 19 – 25, 2022, the African Leadership Organisation is thrilled to put together the second edition of the on Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum  as another exceptional opportunity for exchange of ideas, discussions of critical issues, building connections and gaining insights from the unique experiences and expertise of financial and accounting professionals in the public sector.
        The Public Sector Accounting Standards & Budgeting Forum is designed to be an invaluable refresher course for finance professionals in the public sector, and useful practical coursework for non-financial managers. This training course would provide up-to-date and detailed knowledge of public sector accounting with special emphasis on IPSAS, as well as practical skills in the preparation and interpretation of public sector financial statements and budgets. The curriculum of the programme would incorporate a vital update on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) standards and recent developments on the reasons and approaches to New Public Financial Management.
        The course will be led by expert trainers and facilitators, with a wealth of extensive professional experience who will bring fresh perspectives to the subject matter which will be delivered dynamically and innovatively. This training course will be structured as a highly participative workshop; classroom sessions with formal presentations by a highly competent trainer; case studies, interactive worked examples, and relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate and apply each of the topics covered.
        Who Should Attend?
        This course would be relevant to all persons involved in the preparation, presentation, and interpretation of corporate financial statements from both the private and public sectors where compliance with the IASB and IFRS framework is required. The course will greatly benefit: 
        • Policymakers & Chief Executives/Board Members of Government entities.
        • All accounting professionals working in the public sector & are involved in the preparation of financial statements.
        • Senior Budget Holders & Public Sector Budget Accountants.
        • IPSAS implementation and maintenance teams.
        • Finance & Planning Managers.
        • External auditors.
        • Consultants dealing with financial reporting.
        • Public Sector Purchasing and Procurement Managers.


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          London, United Kingdom


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          International Conference On African Political Leadership (ICAPL) – London 2023

          International Conference On African Political Leadership (ICAPL) – London 2023

          Roundtable On African Political Leadership – London 2023

          July 6, 2023 | London, United Kingdom

          Roundtable on African Political Leadership 2023

          THEME: Collaborative Political Leadership For Leapfroging Africa’s Development

          Following multiple African stakeholders meetings, such as the UK – Africa Investment Summit, the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit, the New Africa-France Summit, among others, much is left to be ironed out on moving the continent forward through collaboration and network building. The Africa Union Agenda 2063 captures seven broad themes that align with the global mandate for sustainable development. However, ten years into implementing this agenda, African nations still struggle to meet targets in infrastructure building, peace and security and institutional reforms. As countries continue to rebuild economic stability post-COVID 19, it is important to propose a more proactive strategy for African nations to meet global and local targets through preparedness and a people-entered approach.
          Historical representation of the African continent highlights the need for precision in action moving forward through well though collaborative action over the next decade that ensures stable institutions and progressive leadership. As African leaders continue to grapple with issues of trade, conflict, health and politics, a unified approach that highlights fostering bi/multi-lateral relations should be encouraged to promote efficient utilization of human and land resources, as well as accelerate Africa’s sustainability.
          Event Brief
          The Roundtable on African Political Leadership is therefore being put together by the African Leadership Organisation as a platform and unique opportunity to reflect on challenges experienced in the last decade and strategically position Africa to overcome its obstacles and contribute proactively through citizen and institutional support. The conference is an event that seeks to provide an opportunity for dialogue between African leaders, stakeholders, academia and policymakers, and civil society to align objectives and identify areas for collaboration, resolution and financing towards leapfrofing Africa’s socio-economic development.
          It is therefore a platform for African leaders to accommodate thought-provoking and technical deliberations to shape continental transformation, build sustainable networks that highlight the prioritization of people in multi-sectorial advancement through four main groupings, such as Business and Infrastructure, human capital, Environmental sustainability and capacity building.
            Sub Themes:
            • Expanding Emerging Markets for Trade and Technology Infrastructure Development
            • Innovative Health, Education and Gender Inclusion
            • Strategies for Sustainable Energy Mapping 
            • Deconstructing Power in Africa’s Leadership: Youth & Gender Mainstreaming
            • Sustaining Peace and Security in Africa
            • Legislative Best Practices for Growth and Development
              Target Audience
              • Political & Policy Leaders from across Africa;
              • National and Regional Legislators & Lawmakers;
              • Political Party Leaders;
              • Community leaders, civil society and leaders of thought;
              • Academics and students of African political history; and
              • All African stakeholders



              London, United Kingdom


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              African Energy Leadership Forum & Awards 2023

              African Energy Leadership Forum & Awards 2023

              African Energy Leadership Forum & Awards, Houston, Texas – 2023

              May 3, 2023 | Houston Texas | 6pm – 9pm

              African Energy Leadership Forum & Awards 2023

              THEME: Towards Sustainable Energy Resource Mobilization in Africa

              Event Brief
              With the dynamic African energy industry faced with intense pressure to decarbonize and adopt renewable energy sources, the future of the oil and gas of the continent is under scrutiny. The sustainable energy future for Africa may not however be advanced by a single strategy due to Africa’s extreme diversity as the continent holds around 9% of the world’s total gas reserves, while 17 of its 55 countries are already gas producers. Moreover, nearly half of the continent’s 55 countries have proven natural gas deposits, including 17.55 trillion standard cubic meters of natural gas and 125.3 billion barrels of crude oil. According to S&P Global Platts, Africa is home to about 40% of the world’s recent gas discoveries. Despite the existing challenges to investment in the continent’s energy sector, the majority of the continent’s producers are currently fostering favourable investment environments for both domestic and foreign companies. This has resulted in the approval of several significant projects in nations like Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique and Nigeria among others, which industry analysts say will unlock the continent’s enormous energy resources.
              To accelerate industrialization, experts have opined that African nations must fully utilize their energy deposits throughout the energy transition, and strengthen their governance. In light of this, the African Leadership Magazine is thrilled to put together the African Energy Leadership Forum & Awards, Houston Texas 2023 on the sidelines of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). The forum aims to bring together decision-makers, leaders from the public and private sectors, business titans, members of civil society, and all other stakeholders on a platform to discuss ways to address some of the major challenges in the African energy sector, as well as explore pathways towards achieving a sustainable energy resource mobilization in Africa.


              Key highlights of the forum
              • Strategic Investment meetings and networking sessions with senior US Government and Policy officials, Institutional Investment groupings, the US Business Community and key business leaders/investors
              • Keynote and Paper Presentations.
              • Energy CEOs Roundtable Session.
              • Public & Private Sector Stakeholders Roundtable Sessions.
              • Presentations to the Top 40 African Local Content & Community Development Leaders”
              Target Audience

              • Senior African Government ministers and Policymakers.
              • Leading US Congressmen at the forefront of promoting energy investments and other senior US senior policymakers
              • Top-level CEOs, Corporate Executives and Business delegations from across Africa and their counterparts from the United States.
              • Celebrate some of the influential leaders and businesses across emerging economies, who directly contribute to the community and national development.



              Houston, Texas


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              will be shared with registered participants.


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