5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 (Virtual)

5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 (Virtual)



SEPT 29-30, 2020





09:00AM – 12:00PM EST DAILY


About The Event

THEME: US Africa Relations – A necessary Realignment

The African Leadership Magazine is pleased to invite you to the 5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020, a virtual meeting taking place this September.

Event Highlights Photos


Event Brief

Africa is no doubt still the last trade frontier in today’s world. 

Pre-COVID, the World Economic Forum identified that at least half of the world’s fastest-growing economies have been in Africa since 2000; and by 2030, Africa will be home to 1.7 billion people, whose combined consumer and business spending will total $6.7 trillion. Furthermore, it is expected that 43% of Africans will belong to the middle or upper classes, up from 39.6% in 2013, implying considerably higher demand for goods and services. By 2030, household consumption alone is expected to reach $2.5 trillion, up from $1.1 trillion in 2015, according to available statistics. 

In a post-COVID world, however, Africa is still expected to represent exciting opportunities for global businesses seeking markets for expansion in the race for recovery. And as some experts have predicted, global growth will be 4%, as pent-up demand and new vaccines power recovery from the 2020 global GDP slump. Global geopolitical arrangements also may have been considerably altered. Hence, a post-COVID world offers opportunities for nations to reset relations in a way that there are much more mutually beneficial outcomes and long-term impacts for parties.

A post-COVID Africa would need its partners more than ever before as it braces itself for what some expect to be arduous recovery from the battery of the coronavirus pandemic. Africa would deeply count on United States (US) Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo’s statement when he said that “no country will rival what the US is doing” in terms of supporting the fight against Covid-19 in Africa. But pundits have argued that the US hasn’t engaged adequately and correctly on the continent of Africa, creating room for other interests gaining a stronger foothold, despite the US have been a preferred traditional partner. Does the post-COVID world offer the opportunity for a necessary realignment in US Africa relations?

African Leadership Magazine is, therefore, putting together the 5TH US Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 to bring together Policymakers, private sector leaders, Industry Titans, civil society leaders, and all stakeholders in US-Africa matters during this 2-day forum to contribute to shaping a new future for our common good.


  1. Keynotes, Plenary and Breakout session
  2. Industry Roundtables and Thematic Paper Presentations
  3. Policymakers Roundtable Session: a high-level platform designed to engage the US/African policymakers in discussions on Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Defence and security co-operations; AGOA and other Economic Development avenues; and deepening people-to-people relationships.
  4. Race Relations Roundtable dialogue session
  5. The 10th African Business Leadership Awards and presentations to ‘Top 25 US companies doing business in Africa’. In recognition of their contributions to communities’ development and COVID-19 response.
  6. Unveiling of the Top 100 African American Leaders 2020 List.


  • Policymakers, Senior Government Officials and Diplomats
  • Heads of Government, Agencies, and institutions
  • Major Industry Titans and private sector leaders
  • Think-tanks and International Development Institutions
  • Academics, Civil society leaders and 
  • All US-Africa relations stakeholders

Event Speakers

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Prime Ministerof Eswatini (Swaziland)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Publisher, African Leadership Magazine & Chairman ALG Strategy Group

Rep. Billy Mitchell (GA)

Rep. Billy Mitchell (GA)

President-Elect, National Black Caucus of State Legislators

H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma

H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma

Former President, Republic of Sierra Leone

Dee Dawkins-Haigler

Dee Dawkins-Haigler

Organization of World Leaders, Atlanta and public Affairs Commentator

Gen. William Kip Ward (Rtd)

Gen. William Kip Ward (Rtd)

Former US Commander, AFRiCOM

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

Governor, Nakuru County, Kenya

Rep. G.A. Hardaway

Rep. G.A. Hardaway

Chair, Tennessee Legislative Black Caucus

Joan Wadelton

Joan Wadelton

Founder, US – Africa Business Bridge, Washington DC

Mr. Aaron Manaigo

Mr. Aaron Manaigo

Managing Partner, Global Political Solutions LLC

Dr. Patrick J. Schena

Dr. Patrick J. Schena

Professor of International business, The Fletcher School, Tufts University USAVice

Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr.

Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr.

Minister of Finance & Development Planning, Liberia

Nirmala Rewa

Nirmala Rewa

Economic Minister, Mauritius Economic Development Board, London UK

Gary W. Whitehill

Gary W. Whitehill

Chief Strategist, Africans Beyond Aid, New York USA

Rawya Mansour

Rawya Mansour

CEO/Founder, Ramsco Foundation, Egypt


ABLA Award Winners

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

Governor, Nakuru County, Kenya

Rebecca Miano

Rebecca Miano

CEO, Kenya Electricity Generating Company

John Rwangombwa

John Rwangombwa

National Bank of Rwanda Governor

James Mwangi

James Mwangi

CEO, Equity Bank Group, Kenya

National Petroleum Authority Ghana

National Petroleum Authority Ghana

Funke Opeke

Funke Opeke

Founder, MainOne, Nigeria

Ahmed Shide

Ahmed Shide

Minister of Finance, Ethiopia

Segun Ogunsanya

Segun Ogunsanya

CEO, Airtel Nigeria

Olugbenga Agboola

Olugbenga Agboola

CEO, Flutterwave

Alan Kyerematen

Alan Kyerematen

Minister, Trade & Investment, Ghana

Patrice Motsepe

Patrice Motsepe

Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals, South Africa

ABLA Runners-up

David Makhura

David Makhura

Premier, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Hassanein Hiridjee

Hassanein Hiridjee

CEO, Axian Group, Madagascar

Ernest Addission

Ernest Addission

Governor, Bank of Ghana

Mauricio Alarcon

Mauricio Alarcon

Former CEO, Nestle Nigeria Plc

Financial Regulatory Authority Egypt

Financial Regulatory Authority Egypt

Janine Kacou Diagou

Janine Kacou Diagou

Group Chief Executive Director, NSIA, Cote d’Ivoire

Romuald Wadagni

Romuald Wadagni

Minister of Finance, Benin

Joao Figueiredo

Joao Figueiredo

CEO, Moza Banco Mozambique

Darlene Menzies

Darlene Menzies

CEO, Finfund South Africa

Melaku Alebel

Melaku Alebel

Minister, Trade and Industry, Ethiopia

Jim Ovia

Jim Ovia

Founder, Zenith Bank Plc, Nigeria


For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact:

African Leadership Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
The United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 23 92 658 276
Email: info@africanleadership.co.uk
Website: events.africanleadership.co.uk

Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) (Virtual)

Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) (Virtual)



OCT 29, 2020





12:00PM – 3:00PM CAT


About The Event

THEME:African Women in leadership and the glass ceiling: Breaking through and Staying relevant

The Amazons Watch Magazine and Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD) are pleased to invite you to the virtual gathering of Africa Power Women leaders across the continent and globe.

Event Brief

The under representation of women in public and private sector leadership positions not just in Africa but globally continues to be a major concern in gender discussions. This phenomenon, often described as the glass ceiling effect, has impacted on women’s advancement from middle level to very senior or topmost leadership roles in diverse sectors and settings, keeping the proportion of females at the highest leadership positions continually low. Although women seemingly have opportunities in organizations to move up the ladder to become top leaders, somehow those opportunities are short lived and vanish at various points along the way. Oftentimes, the few women who have broken through to the highest echelons of leadership, especially in politics or the big corporate boards fail to reach their zenith, serve full terms or build a sustainable legacy, mostly having their tenures cut short or not able to renew their full allowable terms.

And more than anything else, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the disproportionate impact of governance and policies on women and children. The pandemic, which has evolved into an unprecedented crisis is heavily affecting the livelihoods, the socio-economic stability, leadership and the security of many families and communities in Africa.  The uncertainty, and preventive and containment measures against the pandemic have introduced profound disruptions that have had very adverse effects particularly to women on the continent, more than on their male counterparts. The pandemic is aggravating poverty, greater job losses, inequalities and gender-based violence (GBV), increasing the vulnerability of women in what was already a precarious situation.

Yet, it is acceptable wisdom that the world would fare better when gender equality is brought to bear in leadership opportunities for all. Her Excellency, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, former president of the Republic of Liberia highlighted that the inclusion of women in leadership positions have enabled the dismantling of the silo mentality that hinders sustainable development on the continent. She went further to say,  “the resilience of women will take us forward today and we want to see women leadership become a new normal, not exceptional; while Africa’s economic performance is improving, gender leadership gaps must close quickly in order to achieve the structural transformation of the continent’’.

While women around the world have made some progress in the fight for gender equality over the years, with 2019 seeing the highest percentage growth of the proportion of women in senior management roles, rising to 29%; COVID-19 seems to have wiped off the gains. Though Africa has achieved representation of women in top leadership roles above the world average, boasting of the highest share of female representation on company boards by 25 percent, with the global average at 17 percent, according to a Mckinsey report, the continent’s women have not had any sustained stretch in leadership positions or top corporate leadership.

Addressing gender inequalities for economic efficiency and closing gaps in economic opportunities is not only essential for women’s empowerment, but for African economies as a whole, particularly for GDP growth, poverty reduction, and the “inter-generational benefit” defined as the positive impact on following generations of gains generated from breaking women’s poverty cycle.

Needless to say, Africa still represents the frontier with exciting opportunities for businesses seeking markets for growth and expansion in recovering from the economic impact of the pandemic. However, the continent may not reach its full potentials if systemic and urgent action is not taken to increase the awareness of upcoming women leaders and women in leadership positions, of their rights and potential in leadership as well as build their capacity to be resilient and influential leaders.

The Africa Power Women Conference & Awards (APWC) 2020, an initiative of The Amazons Watch Magazine in partnership with Centre for Economic and Leadership Development   (CELD)  will convene Africa Power Women leaders across the continent and the globe. The aim of this foremost Africa Power women event is to address intricate topics on sustainable female leadership and to inspire the next generation of female leaders to break through the glass ceiling and maintain significance, thereby enabling a culture of resilience and sustained relevance for African women, as they aspire for the highest leadership positions on the continent and across the globe.

Some of the themes to be explored during this 2-day conference include:

  1. Addressing Female Leadership stereotypes and gaps
  2. Sustained female Leadership and Diversity in the Boardroom
  3. The Gendered Impact of COVID-19
  4. Advancing and sustaining top female leadership in Governance & Political Environments 
  5. Critical leadership skills and capabilities for female leaders
  6. The central role of female empowerment in development priorities – a shift towards a global consciousness recognizing the urgency of reducing gender inequality, both economically and politically.
  7. The life-long journey of ‘Self-development’.
  8. The dimensions of Self-concept: Self- Esteem, Self- Efficacy and Self-determination

The highlights of the conference include:

  1. Keynotes, Plenary and panel sessions
  2. Public Engagement session / Q&A from open participants
  3. The African Inspirational Female Leadership Awards
  4. Unveiling of Amazons Watch Magazine special edition listing of “Top 100 African Power Women 2020”: Recognizing influential and inspiring African women from all walks of life who are rising to today’s unprecedented challenges.

Target Audience:

  • Female Policymakers, Senior Government Officials and Diplomats
  • Female Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, small business owners 
  • Think-tanks and International Development Institutions
  • Academics, Civil society activists, and multilateral leaders
  • All African women, stakeholders and HeforShe champions


Event Speakers

H.E. Dr. Isatou Touray

H.E. Dr. Isatou Touray

Vice President of the Gambia.

H.E. Dr. Bongi Ngema – Zuma

H.E. Dr. Bongi Ngema – Zuma

Former First Lady of South Africa & Founder BNZ Foundation.

Dee Dawkins-Haigler

Dee Dawkins-Haigler

Dee Dawkins-Haigler Organization of World Leaders, Atlanta and public Affairs Commentator

Oluwatoyin F. Sanni

Oluwatoyin F. Sanni

CEO, Emerging Africa Capital Group, Nigeria

Margaret Hirsch

Margaret Hirsch

Co-founder & COO, Hirsch’s Homestores South Africa

Rep. Keran Camper

Rep. Keran Camper

President, National Organisation of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL) USA


Christiana Yisa

Christiana Yisa

Country Manager, NCR Nigeria Limited.

Odiri Oginni

Odiri Oginni

Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, United Capital Asset Management Limited, Nigeria.

Madam Cecelia Cuffy Brown

Madam Cecelia Cuffy Brown

Managing Director, National Housing Authority of Liberia.

Ms. Patty Karuaihe-Martin

Ms. Patty Karuaihe-Martin

Managing Director Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation Ltd


Amazons Watch Magazine

A Publication of African Leadership (UK) Limited
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
The United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 23 92 658 276
Email: info@amazonswatchmagazine.com
Website: www.amazonswatchmagazine.com

Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) (Virtual)

Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) (Virtual)



JUN 25, 2020







About The Event

THEME: COVID-19: Pathways to Africa’s Economic Recovery and Growth

The African Leadership Magazine is pleased to invite you to the Africa Summit 2020, a virtual meeting taking place this June in response to the current global situation.

Event Highlights

Event Brief

At this critical time in our collective history, Africa faces what is arguably its most daunting challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to dealing with monumental infrastructure and energy deficits; Food shortages arising from Locust-19; a youthful population desperate for jobs and opportunities; and huge gaps in health-care delivery, education and poverty eradication. As such, the continent has never been in need of innovative leadership and solutions that would bring about progress, development and welfare of the African people, as it does now.  

More so, prior to the pandemic, Africa presented the world’s most exciting opportunities to global businesses seeking expansion in retail and distribution, ICT, the Agriculture value chain, and other sectors. According to the World Economic Forum- at least half of the world’s fastest-growing economies have been in Africa since 2000. However, COVID-19 happened, and according to the experts, most of these progresses would be wiped out plunging most African economies into despair. Hence all stakeholders must come up with strategies and pathways to recovery and growth for the continent.

The 4th edition of the Africa Summit, 2020, which had always been held in London UK, would now hold as a virtual event – an African Leadership magazine’s response to the debate on resetting Africa’s development priorities post-COVID-19. The theme of the summit has therefore been put as ‘COVID-19: Pathways to Africa’s Economic Recovery and Growth.’


  1. Keynotes and Presentations
  2. Policymakers & Influencers Roundtable
  3. Investing in Africa’s Youths and SMEs Session
  4. COVID-19 Africa Blue Ribbon Awards: For the top African Business and political leaders who have led in the response to the challenges arising from the pandemic, took actions to preserve or create jobs, and are laying the foundation for Africa’s recovery and future growth.


  • African Business leaders, Entrepreneurs & Policymakers
  • Key Stakeholders and potential investors in Africa
  • Think-tanks, International Development Institutions and academics
  • All lovers of Africa progress

Event Speakers

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Prime Ministerof Eswatini (Swaziland)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Publisher, African Leadership Magazine & Chairman ALG Strategy Group

H.E. Jewel Taylor

H.E. Jewel Taylor

Vice President, Republic of Liberia

Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland (Keynote Speaker)

Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland (Keynote Speaker)

Secretary General of the Common Wealth

Prof. Samuel G. Edoumiekumo

Prof. Samuel G. Edoumiekumo

Vice Chancellor, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Lord Dollar Popat

Lord Dollar Popat

Member, UK House of Lords

Dr. Victor Oladokun

Dr. Victor Oladokun

CEO, 3D Global Consult

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Chairman, Africa Advisory Group, Germany

Saul Frazer

Saul Frazer

CEO, Global Properties, Gambia

Sen. Manqoba B. Khumalo

Sen. Manqoba B. Khumalo

Minister of Commerce, Industry & Trade, Kingdom of Eswatini

Hon. Hamat NK Bah

Hon. Hamat NK Bah

Minister of Culture & Tourism, The Gambia

Senyo Hosi

Senyo Hosi

Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors, Ghana

Speeches and Articles

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

H.E. Jewel Taylor

H.E. Jewel Taylor

Hon. Patricia Scotland

Hon. Patricia Scotland

Sen. Manqoba Khumalo

Sen. Manqoba Khumalo

Hon. Hamat Bah

Hon. Hamat Bah

Lord Dollar Popat

Lord Dollar Popat

Esther Muchemi

Esther Muchemi


The Summit Organizing Committee
African Leadership Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole,
Kingston Crescent, 
PO2 8FA United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)23 9265 8276
Email: info@africanleadership.co.uk

The Africa Summit 2020 (Virtual)

The Africa Summit 2020 (Virtual)



JUN 25, 2020







About The Event

THEME: COVID-19: Pathways to Africa’s Economic Recovery and Growth

The African Leadership Magazine is pleased to invite you to the Africa Summit 2020, a virtual meeting taking place this June in response to the current global situation.

Event Highlights

Event Brief

At this critical time in our collective history, Africa faces what is arguably its most daunting challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to dealing with monumental infrastructure and energy deficits; Food shortages arising from Locust-19; a youthful population desperate for jobs and opportunities; and huge gaps in health-care delivery, education and poverty eradication. As such, the continent has never been in need of innovative leadership and solutions that would bring about progress, development and welfare of the African people, as it does now.  

More so, prior to the pandemic, Africa presented the world’s most exciting opportunities to global businesses seeking expansion in retail and distribution, ICT, the Agriculture value chain, and other sectors. According to the World Economic Forum- at least half of the world’s fastest-growing economies have been in Africa since 2000. However, COVID-19 happened, and according to the experts, most of these progresses would be wiped out plunging most African economies into despair. Hence all stakeholders must come up with strategies and pathways to recovery and growth for the continent.

The 4th edition of the Africa Summit, 2020, which had always been held in London UK, would now hold as a virtual event – an African Leadership magazine’s response to the debate on resetting Africa’s development priorities post-COVID-19. The theme of the summit has therefore been put as ‘COVID-19: Pathways to Africa’s Economic Recovery and Growth.’


  1. Keynotes and Presentations
  2. Policymakers & Influencers Roundtable
  3. Investing in Africa’s Youths and SMEs Session
  4. COVID-19 Africa Blue Ribbon Awards: For the top African Business and political leaders who have led in the response to the challenges arising from the pandemic, took actions to preserve or create jobs, and are laying the foundation for Africa’s recovery and future growth.


  • African Business leaders, Entrepreneurs & Policymakers
  • Key Stakeholders and potential investors in Africa
  • Think-tanks, International Development Institutions and academics
  • All lovers of Africa progress

Event Speakers

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Prime Ministerof Eswatini (Swaziland)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Publisher, African Leadership Magazine & Chairman ALG Strategy Group

H.E. Jewel Taylor

H.E. Jewel Taylor

Vice President, Republic of Liberia

Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland (Keynote Speaker)

Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland (Keynote Speaker)

Secretary General of the Common Wealth

Prof. Samuel G. Edoumiekumo

Prof. Samuel G. Edoumiekumo

Vice Chancellor, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Lord Dollar Popat

Lord Dollar Popat

Member, UK House of Lords

Dr. Victor Oladokun

Dr. Victor Oladokun

CEO, 3D Global Consult

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Dr. Christian Lindfeld

Chairman, Africa Advisory Group, Germany

Saul Frazer

Saul Frazer

CEO, Global Properties, Gambia

Sen. Manqoba B. Khumalo

Sen. Manqoba B. Khumalo

Minister of Commerce, Industry & Trade, Kingdom of Eswatini

Hon. Hamat NK Bah

Hon. Hamat NK Bah

Minister of Culture & Tourism, The Gambia

Senyo Hosi

Senyo Hosi

Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors, Ghana

Speeches and Articles

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

H.E. Jewel Taylor

H.E. Jewel Taylor

Hon. Patricia Scotland

Hon. Patricia Scotland

Sen. Manqoba Khumalo

Sen. Manqoba Khumalo

Hon. Hamat Bah

Hon. Hamat Bah

Lord Dollar Popat

Lord Dollar Popat

Esther Muchemi

Esther Muchemi


The Summit Organizing Committee
African Leadership Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole,
Kingston Crescent, 
PO2 8FA United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)23 9265 8276
Email: info@africanleadership.co.uk

5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 (Virtual)

5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 (Virtual)



SEPT 29-30, 2020




09:00AM – 12:00PM EST DAILY


About The Event

THEME: US Africa Relations – A necessary Realignment

The African Leadership Magazine is pleased to invite you to the 5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020, a virtual meeting taking place this September.


To register for this event, please click the ‘REGISTER HERE’ button below.

For more information on participation, partnerships and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below-


Event Brief

Africa is no doubt still the last trade frontier in today’s world. 

Pre-COVID, the World Economic Forum identified that at least half of the world’s fastest-growing economies have been in Africa since 2000; and by 2030, Africa will be home to 1.7 billion people, whose combined consumer and business spending will total $6.7 trillion. Furthermore, it is expected that 43% of Africans will belong to the middle or upper classes, up from 39.6% in 2013, implying considerably higher demand for goods and services. By 2030, household consumption alone is expected to reach $2.5 trillion, up from $1.1 trillion in 2015, according to available statistics. 

In a post-COVID world, however, Africa is still expected to represent exciting opportunities for global businesses seeking markets for expansion in the race for recovery. And as some experts have predicted, global growth will be 4%, as pent-up demand and new vaccines power recovery from the 2020 global GDP slump. Global geopolitical arrangements also may have been considerably altered. Hence, a post-COVID world offers opportunities for nations to reset relations in a way that there are much more mutually beneficial outcomes and long-term impacts for parties.

A post-COVID Africa would need its partners more than ever before as it braces itself for what some expect to be arduous recovery from the battery of the coronavirus pandemic. Africa would deeply count on United States (US) Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo’s statement when he said that “no country will rival what the US is doing” in terms of supporting the fight against Covid-19 in Africa. But pundits have argued that the US hasn’t engaged adequately and correctly on the continent of Africa, creating room for other interests gaining a stronger foothold, despite the US have been a preferred traditional partner. Does the post-COVID world offer the opportunity for a necessary realignment in US Africa relations?

African Leadership Magazine is, therefore, putting together the 5TH US Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue 2020 to bring together Policymakers, private sector leaders, Industry Titans, civil society leaders, and all stakeholders in US-Africa matters during this 2-day forum to contribute to shaping a new future for our common good.


  1. Keynotes, Plenary and Breakout session
  2. Industry Roundtables and Thematic Paper Presentations
  3. Policymakers Roundtable Session: a high-level platform designed to engage the US/African policymakers in discussions on Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Defence and security co-operations; AGOA and other Economic Development avenues; and deepening people-to-people relationships.
  4. Race Relations Roundtable dialogue session
  5. The 10th African Business Leadership Awards and presentations to ‘Top 25 US companies doing business in Africa’. In recognition of their contributions to communities’ development and COVID-19 response.
  6. Unveiling of the Top 100 African American Leaders 2020 List.


  • Policymakers, Senior Government Officials and Diplomats
  • Heads of Government, Agencies, and institutions
  • Major Industry Titans and private sector leaders
  • Think-tanks and International Development Institutions
  • Academics, Civil society leaders and 
  • All US-Africa relations stakeholders


Event Speakers

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

H.E. Ambrose Dlamini

Prime Ministerof Eswatini (Swaziland)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Dr. Ken Giami (Host)

Publisher, African Leadership Magazine & Chairman ALG Strategy Group

Rep. Billy Mitchell (GA)

Rep. Billy Mitchell (GA)

President-Elect, National Black Caucus of State Legislators

H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma

H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma

Former President, Republic of Sierra Leone

Dr. Patrick J. Schena

Dr. Patrick J. Schena

Professor of International business, The Fletcher School, Tufts University USAVice

Gen. William Kip Ward (Rtd)

Gen. William Kip Ward (Rtd)

Former US Commander, AFRiCOM

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

H.E. Lee Kinyanjui

Governor, Nakuru County, Kenya

Rep. G.A. Hardaway

Rep. G.A. Hardaway

Chair, Tennessee Legislative Black Caucus

Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr.

Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr.

Minister of Finance & Development Planning, Liberia


For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact:

African Leadership Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
The United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 23 92 658 276
Email: info@africanleadership.co.uk
Website: events.africanleadership.co.uk