Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) 2021

Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) 2021



AUG 13, 2021



(Accra – Ghana + Virtual)


12:00PM – 3:00PM CAT


About The Event

THEME: Pathways to Building Back Better for Women in Africa.

The Amazons Watch Magazine and Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD) are pleased to invite you to the virtual gathering of Africa Power Women leaders across the continent and globe.


Registration for this event will open shortly.

For more information on participation, partnerships and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below-

Event Brief

Women, over the years, have unarguably demonstrated a strong determination to achieve career successes by their ability to adjust to male-dominated culture and business processes in their various fields. In recent years, the empowerment of women, increasing women’s participation in all aspects of political, social and economic life, has been one of the major goals of participatory movements, as well as women’s organizations throughout the world. These evidently enabled more women in leadership positions across the continent to continue to push the boundaries by utilizing their strengths and leadership qualities in skill, knowledge, experience and passion.

However, across many African countries, research shows that women’s advancement in the society is yet encumbered by legal, social and structural barriers. From national governments, state or provincial governments, to local community groups, women are vastly underrepresented in decision making processes. For instance, Women’s Political Participation: Africa Barometer 2021 Report states that women constitute only 24 per cent of the 12,113 parliamentarians in Africa, 25 per cent in the lower houses, and 20 per cent in the upper houses of parliament. Moreover, while local government is often hailed as a training ground for women in politics, the report added that women constitute a mere 21 per cent of councilors in the 19 countries for which complete data could be obtained.

In addition, more than anything else, the advent of the coronavirus pandemic in the past year revealed the disproportionate impact of governance and policies on women and children. Available data show that the economic impact of the COVID-19 have been worse on women from diverse perspectives. The pandemic has had adverse effect on female-dominated fields, while increasing the unpaid caregiving responsibilities that women disproportionately shoulder, a socio-cultural barrier which often impedes women’s abilities to participate in community consultations and decision-making processes about sustainable management initiatives. The bold new fiscal packages and corporate policies, many of which would have seemed unthinkable before the pandemic, have been enacted with remarkable speed to stabilize the economy during this unprecedented crisis. But some have failed to sufficiently consider women, the half of the world’s population that is arguably more critical to a full economic recovery. 

Therefore, experts have opined that if African governments and corporate leaders do not make women’s economic participation a priority of their post-pandemic recovery planning, the modest economic gains that women have made in recent decades will be lost, while the continent’s economic prospects will significantly weaken. To this end, the Amazons Watch Magazine, in partnership with the African Leadership Magazine and the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD) is thrilled to put together the 3rd Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) – 2021. 

This year’s Africa Power Women Conference (APWC) will bring together, the thoughts, insights and divergent views of leaders from business, civil society, and government to discuss ways to advance women’s empowerment around Africa, equip women with the skills, knowledge and shared experiences, not only to build back stronger from the crisis, but also to enable more women to bid and aspire for the highest leadership positions on the continent. The theme of this year’s edition of the conference is thus set as: Pathways to Building Back Better for Women in Africa.

The highlights of the conference include:

  • Keynotes, Plenary and panel sessions
  • Public Engagement session / Q&A from open participants
  • The African Inspirational Female Leadership Awards
  • Unveiling of Amazons Watch Magazine special edition listing of “Top 100 African Power Women 2021”: Recognizing influential and inspiring African women from all walks of life who are rising to today’s unprecedented challenges.
  • CSR & Gender Equality– A panel discussion with corporate leaders on women-friendly corporate social responsibilities.
  • Top 40 Corporations/Individuals Investing on Women Empowerment.
  • A fireside Chat/HeforShe Session, tagged: Investing on Women & Girl-Child Development”.
  • Pre-conference Women Leadership Development Forum – 2021

Target Audience:

  • Female Policymakers, Senior Government Officials and Diplomats
  • Female Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, small business owners 
  • Think-tanks and International Development Institutions
  • Academics, Civil society activists, and multilateral leaders
  • All African women, stakeholders and HeforShe champions



Amazons Watch Magazine

A Publication of African Leadership (UK) Limited
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
The United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 23 92 658 276

International Forum On African Leadership (IFAL) 2021 (Virtual)

International Forum On African Leadership (IFAL) 2021 (Virtual)



DEC 15, 2021




3:00PM – 6:00PM GMT


About The Event

THEME:Scaling-up Development Efforts and Global Partnerships for Africa

The African Leadership Magazine is pleased to invite you to the International Forum on African Leadership (IFAL) 2021, a blended meeting of live and virtual events taking place this December to address the issue of scaling-up deelopment efforts and global partnerships.


Registration for this event will open shortly.

For more information on participation, partnerships and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below-

Event Brief

Although African countries are capable of continuing their progress on the long road to recovery post COVID-19, there is no doubting that international support would greatly bolster their efforts on many fronts—including increased testing capacity, resource mobilization, and coordinated policies in preventing and containing the coronavirus’s spread and promoting economic recovery. Therefore, experts have opined that global partnerships with Africa would improve the continent’s crisis response, accelerate economic recovery, and build momentum and resilient systems for sustainable growth and development. 

While multilateral and bilateral partners have been providing some financial support in the form of debt relief, loans and grants, pundits yet believe that African governments need much more, especially by securing additional resources and investing in key sectors to hasten economic recovery, and developing new initiatives and partnerships to address fragilities and bridge the gaps between policy goals and outcomes, including ineffective institutions, corruption, and a lack of accountability. 

To this end, the African Leadership magazine’s International Forum on African Leadership (IFAL) 2021 will bring together the divergent views and thoughts of leading experts, academics, researchers, business and political Leaders and key stakeholders to build global partnerships for Africa’s economic recovery and development. The theme of the Forum is set as: Scaling-up Development Efforts and Global Partnerships for Africa.


  • Heads of States and Governments
  • Senior Government Officials and policy leaders
  • Heads of African Missions and diplomats
  • Major Industry Titans, Leaders, and Key Stakeholders
  • Think-tanks, Industry Experts and International Development Institutions
  • Academics, Researchers, and Research scholars


Key Highlights of the Forum:

  • Keynotes and presentations
  • Panel Discussions
  • Networking Sessions
  • African Leaders Innovation & Jobs Creation Roundtable
  • Unveiling of the Special Edition of the African Leadership magazine
  • International press Room & Global coverage.
  • Top 100 Africa’s Inspirational Leaders 2021



For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact

African Leadership Magazine

Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
The United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 23 92 658 276

Women Leadership Development Forum – 2021

Women Leadership Development Forum – 2021



AUG 9-13, 2021




(Accra-Ghana + Virtual)




About The Event

THEME:  Developing and Enabling Women as a High End Resource for Problem-Solving.

The Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD), in partnership with the African Leadership UK Limited is thrilled to invite you to the 5-day Women Leadership Development Forum, which is scheduled to hold both physically (in Accra – Ghana) and virtually (Via Zoom) from 9th – 13th August 2021, with the theme: Developing and Enabling Women as a High End Resource for Problem-Solving

Are you responsible for advancing the women in your organization and looking for a genuine way to elevate all aspiring women in the pipeline – who have the desire, potential and commitment to emerge as leaders as well as increase your female skill sets?  Then, CELD’s Women Leadership Development Forum 2021 is the perfect educational and training platform for organizations serious about diversity and elevating the progression of their female talent. At the Forum on Women Leadership Development Forum 2021, we are optimistic that the participants will expand their management and leadership skills, explore emerging best practices, and build a personal action plan to take them to their place at the top and contribute their quota to solving the rising challenges in today’s fast-changing world.

Interested in Attending?

Registration for this event has ended.

Please email  for more information regarding this event.

Registration has now ended


Nothing is more energizing than sharing insights and comparing experiences with other seasoned women leaders. Therefore, this forum will bring together accomplished women from a wide range of disciplines and industries to build meaningful relationships with one another, exchange ideas, openly share their collective wisdom and experiences, and integrate insights from evidence-based research and practical lessons that will increase the capacity on women, strengthen their resilience, enable them to make confident moves by taking more risks, and prepare them take on more challenging roles as a problem solvers. This forum will provide you with an agenda to learn the skills necessary to give you opportunities to develop the confidence to go for what you want in your career through a supportive peer learning environment.

During this forum, alongside renowned faculty and a global group of accomplished peers, you will able to:

  • Identify and capture new opportunities for innovation.
  • Create an environment that inspires and sustains results-focused change.
  • Develop talent and leadership qualities in others.
  • Foster and leverage organizational diversity.
  • Inspire ethical decision-making throughout the organization.
  • Equip the female talent in your organization with the capabilities, tools and mindset to lead in your business.


The forum will explore challenges that have practical relevance to your workplace and consider current issues that you are facing as a leader. This includes:

  • Learning from personal stories and experiences sharing with your peers
  • Learning how to pursue your leadership journey without bias or barriers
  • Getting a clear sense of where gender lies within the wider diversity and inclusion ambitions for your organization.
  • Understanding and refining your personal strengths and how best to use them.
  • Learning to navigate leadership issues through external perspectives from experienced guest speakers.
  • Develop the skills, through intensive discussions guided by our speaker faculty, to articulate a vision and inspire followers, and gain strategic communication skills to manage key stakeholders and influence without authority.
  • Drive your career progression and transition to a greater leadership role in your organization.

Rethink your personal leadership style and explore and experiment with new approaches.


This forum is adopting a training methodology that will include the following:

  • Papers Presentation: Thought leaders on gender, diversity and sustainability, as well as women in senior leadership positions in public and private companies and nonprofit organizations around the world, will have the opportunity to contribute to the forum through submissions and presentations of their research abstracts, papers and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, theoretical, or practical work in all areas of women leadership, diversity and sustainability.
  • Scenarios, case studies, and Role-plays: This forum will adopt active and collaborative teaching techniques, such as scenarios, case studies and role-plays that would focus on real problems, which women are faced with in the workplace, as part of efforts to increase their interest and involvement, gain the mindset, tools and confidence to lead with impact, navigate uncertainty and change. The designed scenarios will involve practice applications by making choices and receiving feedback on them.
  • Roundtable Discussions: The forum will also include roundtable discussions as opportunities for participants to get together in an informal setting to examine issues that relate to women leadership in the workplace.


  • A Woman’s Unique Strength as a Leader: How to Develop Yours!
  • Winning Motivation Techniques and Other Must-have Leadership Tools
  • Criticism and Discipline for Improved Employee ?Performance ?Assertive Communication: Your Key to Leadership Success
  • Effectively Handling Confrontation, Conflict and Other Uncomfortable Situations Dealing With the Diversity of the Workplace
  • Building Credibility and Increasing Your Visibility to Get ahead
  • Onward and Upward: Creating a Success Roadmap. 
  • How to attract funders
  • Creating value initiatives for social good
  • Crucial key dimensions for women flourishing


The Women Leadership Development Forum 2021 is designed for women who hold leadership positions in public and private companies and nonprofit organizations around the world.



Contact Us

For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below – 

African Leadership (UK) Limited

Portsmouth Technopole,
Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth
PO2 8FA United Kingdom
Phone: +44 23 92 658 276

African Regulatory Agencies & Standards Administrators Forum– 2021

African Regulatory Agencies & Standards Administrators Forum– 2021



OCT 25-29, 2021



(Accra-Ghana + Virtual)




About The Event

THEME: Emerging Risks in Regulation & Compliance: Adjusting to New Regulatory Models and Approaches

Post COVID-19.

Following the success of the inaugural edition, which took place on August 22 – 26, 2019 at the Hilton London Metropole – United Kingdom, the African Regulatory Agencies & Standards Administrators Forum– 2021, which could not hold in the year 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, would now hold virtually (Via ZOOM) this year as an educational and capacity-building platform where academics and practitioners in the field of regulation from across Africa will come together to share insights and lessons regarding emerging regulatory challenges.

The African Regulatory Agencies & Standards Administrators Forum – 2021 will bring together an international faculty of speakers and other seasoned regulatory professionals, including heads of African standards and regulatory organizations, to engage in a peer-to-peer dialogue and learning across regulatory functions –economic, health, environment and quality of service, as well as harmonize regulatory policies, information exchange and lessons-learned in Africa. 

The forum will adopt a training methodology that will include case studies, group live instruction and discussions, presentation and discussion of worked examples, and an interactive online robust participation to draw on cross-sectoral experience.

Interested in Attending?

Registration for this event has ended.

Please email  for more information regarding this event.

Registration Has Ended


  • CEOs, Senior Executives and Board Members of Regulatory agencies and standards administrators from across Africa
  • Risk Managers
  • Regulatory Representatives
  • Professionals dealing with Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
  • Managers responsible for Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Activities


About African Leadership Magazine:

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by targeted international investors, business executives, government policymakers, and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 900,000 subscribers/Followers on Facebook alone and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice, telling African stories from African lenses.

    Contact Us

    For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below – 

    African Leadership (UK) Limited

    Portsmouth Technopole,
    Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth
    PO2 8FA United Kingdom
    Phone: +44(0) 743802727 +234(0) 7013038861

    International Forum On Public Finance & Taxation For Development In Africa, Kigali-2021

    International Forum On Public Finance & Taxation For Development In Africa, Kigali-2021



    JUNE 16-18, 2021




    TBC 3PM – 6PM


    (On the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, CHOGM)

    About The Event

    THEME: Financing for Development in Challenging Times

    As global leaders converge in Kigali, Rwanda, for the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, CHOGM, in June 2021, African Leadership Magazine is hosting the International Forum on Public Finance & Taxation for Development in Africa on the sidelines of CHOGM. 

    The Forum with the theme: Financing for Development in Challenging Times is billed to hold from 16-18 June 2021 at the Ubumwe Grande Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda. The event will have in attendance Ministers of Finance, tax experts, business, political and diplomatic leaders from around the world.    

    Prevailing realities have shown that Sub-Saharan Africa may have avoided the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of infections and deaths, but the economic casualties have been enormous. 

    According to a 2020 world Bank regional economic analysis titled: Africa’s Pulse: Charting the Road to Recovery, the pandemic pushed Sub-Saharan Africa to experience its first recession after 25 years. It also drove about 40 million people into extreme poverty and erased at least five years of the progress made in fighting poverty. Furthermore, the pandemic compromised the continent’s public finance significantly. Many countries were forced to adopt incentives to taxpayers as they experienced an unprecedented contraction of tax revenue. The pandemic also placed extreme stress on public spending as governments struggled to respond to the health crisis, including increased funding for the health sector, social and business relief, measures to reduce and combat the spread of the virus and various other related needs. 

    The pandemic poses tremendous challenges for Africa. However, it offers opportunities for constructive change, as well. It provides opportunities for a fresh start as most nations and companies have been placed on start-up modes. 

    Some have estimated that it will take about 10-15 years for countries to recover from the impact of COVID-19. However, the pace of recovery will essentially be dependent on individual efforts, strategies and ingenuity. More importantly, the recovery pace will be driven by the management of scarce resources towards financing development and improving taxation.    

    Therefore, this Forum seeks to evolve discussions centred on tested strategies, policy frameworks, and intentional plans to solve major public finance and taxation issues in the continent. The forum will also provide a platform for participants to network and find solutions to peculiar challenges they face in their different countries, states and establishments. 

      Global trends and prevailing realities suggest that only Africans can truly understand Africa and thus solve the continent’s problems. The Forum will galvanize homegrown solutions for solving Africa’s public finance dilemma.

    Interested in Attending?

    Registration for this event will open shortly.

    Please email  for more information regarding this event.

    Registration Opening Soon


    1. To help evolve home grown solutions for peculiar public finance and taxation issues.
    2. To promote an exchange of tested ideas, projects, research results, and findings that can help to build sustainable economic growth in the various regions, sub-regions and nations.
    3. Promote a clear understanding of Taxation in the Digital Economy.
    4. To provide a platform of opportunities for participants to undertake peer review also meet face to face with renowned experts, development economists, academics, and development partners to establish global partnerships for assistance and collaborations.

    Forum Highlights

    1. High-level panels and Keynote Presentations

    2. Interactive Sessions 

    3. Ideating sessions 

    4. Experts Knowledge Sharing Session 

    5. Unrivaled Networking Opportunities

    About African Leadership Magazine:

    The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

    Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by targeted international investors, business executives, government policymakers, and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 900,000 subscribers/Followers on Facebook alone and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice, telling African stories from African lenses.

      Contact Us

      For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below – 

      African Leadership (UK) Limited

      Portsmouth Technopole,
      Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth
      PO2 8FA United Kingdom
      Phone: +44(0) 743802727 +234(0) 7013038861

      The 6th US-Africa Business Summit

      The 6th US-Africa Business Summit



      JUN 24, 2021





      3PM – 6PM (CAT)


      About The Event

      THEME: US – Africa Relations: Partnerships, Recovery and Sustainability

      As the African continent find strategies to confront the twin health and economic crises created by the COVID-19 pandemic, to build back stronger than ever, African leaders would require the partnership of the Biden administration. The continent’s leaders must position Africa as a land of many opportunities; and we expect the Biden administration to lay the groundwork for a renewed U.S. policy agenda to promote resilience and prosperity in Africa, given President Biden’s proclivity for multilateralism and his anticipated prioritization of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The forum would also address the question whether a renewed and reimagined transatlantic partnership towards Africa can be a key element for the continent to achieve economic recovery.

       African Leadership Magazine is, therefore, putting together the 6th US – Africa Business & Policy Forum 2021 to bring together policymakers, private sector leaders, Industry Titans, civil society leaders, and all stakeholders in US-Africa matters during this forum to provide insights on how Biden’s African policy in the coming years, as well as facilitate a U.S. private sector-led growth in Africa.

      Interested in Attending?

      Registration for this event is now open.

      Please email  for more information about attendance.

      Registration Closed

      Key Highlights of The Forum

      1. Keynotes, Plenary and Breakout session
      2. Industry Roundtables and Thematic Paper Presentations
      3. Policymakers Roundtable Session: a high-level platform designed to engage the US/African policymakers in discussions on Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), Defence and security co-operations; AGOA and other Economic Development avenues; and deepening people-to-people relationships.
      4. Race Relations Roundtable dialogue session.
      5. African Leadership Magazine Awards presentations to ‘Top 100 US companies doing business in Africa’ & “Top 100 African American Leaders 2020 List”, in recognition of their contributions to communities’ development and economic recovery.
      6. The 4th African Banking Leadership Awards– an annual presentation ceremony to recognize professionalism, innovation and excellence in Africa’s banking and financial services sector.

      Who Can Participate?

      1. Policymakers, Senior Government Officials and Diplomats
      2. Heads of Government, Agencies, and institutions
      3. Major Industry Titans and private sector leaders
      4. Think-tanks and International Development Institutions
      5. Academics, Civil society leaders and 
      6. All US-Africa relations stakeholders

      About African Leadership Magazine:

      The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

      Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by targeted international investors, business executives, government policymakers, and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 900,000 subscribers/Followers on Facebook alone and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice, telling African stories from African lenses.

        Contact Us

        For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below – 

        African Leadership (UK) Limited

        Portsmouth Technopole,
        Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth
        PO2 8FA United Kingdom
        Phone: +44(0) 743802727 +234(0) 7013038861